What Can You Bring to the Communion Service?


Our annual Communion Service is this Sunday at the Woman’s Club. Our regular morning service is cancelled and the Communion Service begins at 5pm. This is a potluck so we need your help to make it happen! See below for what to bring and other questions you may have. If you would like to help out or have additional questions, contact Sue Card.


What should I bring?

  • Households of 1 or 2, bring a side (green salad, mashed potatoes, macaroni salad, etc.).

  • Households of 3 or 4, bring an entree.

  • Households of 5 or more, bring a side and an entree.

  • We’re counting on volunteers for dessert. If you want to bring something sweet to share, please do!

Is a baby/toddler included in my household size? 

If you expect your child to eat the food with us, please count them.

Will there be childcare?

No. We’ll be together the entire time, so don't feel bad about getting up and down from your seat with your children. Think of it like a family dinner.

Who should take communion?

All who have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins whether members or guests. Click here to read our beliefs about communion.

How can I keep my dish warm? 

Plan to bring your crockpot. You’ll be able to plug it in at the buffet table. 

I have special dietary needs. Will there be food for me to eat? 

This is a potluck so everyone is contributing. We would advise you to bring something you know you can eat.

Are guests and regular attenders welcome?

Yes! We would love for all to join us.

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