Posts in Community
Your beloved city.....Orange!

Every year the Orange County Register does a Best of Orange County, and guess who won first place for the best downtown....that's right, the City of Orange!  Your downtown! Many of our church members live in and around Orange and we are happy to have our church right here in the middle of it!!   If you have never walked around after church, we recommend that you take the time to try a new restaurant, browse around the many unique shops, or find a nice place to sit and enjoy the breeze in the Plaza.  



CommunityChurch Staff
Church Budget

Every month we publish an update on our church budget. These figures represent the grace of God at work in the members and friends of our local church...but only in part! Wouldn't it be great if we could publish a monthly report on your generous affections for one another, service to one another, or just time spent with one another? Thank you for living no longer for yourselves but for God and your neighbor!

August, 2013

$ 14,841 General Contributions

$  11,167 Total Expense


CommunityChurch Staff
Messy Church

What's it like to be in a church where new people are being saved, young believers are being discipled, and guests come from every walk of life and theological persuasion?

It's messy. 

Thanks for being a local church that has embraces our happy mess! Where everyone hasn't "arrived yet" and there is room for more. Where people are quick to see grace in the most unlikely place. Where patience and love set the tenor of our relationships and where skeptics feel free to stick around and ask questions.

"If everyone in your church is spiritually mature, then something is terribly wrong. In fact, a church full of “mature” believers is quite immature because it means no one is reaching outward." - Sam Rainer, Healthy Churches are Messy

Read the rest of Sam Rainer's article here. 

CommunityChurch Staff
Street Fair Madness
orange street fair.jpg

Our city hosts an epic street fair every year. And by epic we mean wow! Epic...

Orange International Street Fair

400,000 people descend on Old Towne Orange for three days of music, food, drink, entertainment, and bratwurst. Mmmmm...the bratwurst gets its own special mention.

Our church is one block from all that action and this means you should plan accordingly this coming Sunday. 

  1. Arrive early for parking. All the regular city lots will be paid-parking only.
  2. Plan on lunch with friends at the Fair after church. Mmmmm...bratwurst.
  3. Join us at 10am in front of the WCO to hand out church invitations. Last year we had a number of spontaneous guests!


Community, SundaysChurch Staff
Picnic photos

Friends and a Chili Cookoff in Hart Park on a Sunday afternoon. Congratulations to Alice Servin for winning Crowd Favorite!

Fantasy Football 2013

We are competing again this year! All ages, guests are welcome to join, and you don't need to be a football fan. Our champion will be awarded a trophy during a Sunday service. Register your team ASAP. 


(League ID is "1921612" and league password is "orangecircle") 

Events, CommunityChurch Staff