Posts in Community
Thank You For Welcoming Randy

Randy was only with us a short time and now must move on to Tucson, AZ for employment. We'll miss him and pray God blesses him as he goes. But before he leaves, Randy has a last word of thanks and encouragement.

I'm writing to express my gratitude and love for you, Sovereign Grace Church.

I moved from St. Louis to Orange for a new job in the summer of 2012.  I left behind all my friends and family, all the comforts of home, and started anew. It was very stressful and difficult time in my life.

When I went looking for a church, I found you by entering church into my phone. That was it. I had no other leads. But I knew right away that I had found a new spiritual home. 

The first Sunday I was greeted by Nate Adams and others who made me feel like I was important to them. What a feeling! And the sermon spoke to my heart and brought comfort and peace to my soul.

It didn't take long before I started to truly understand the heart of the church. You are a place of acceptance, deliverance, compassion, and guidance...driven by the love of Christ. I was challenged by your teachings and doctrine to better understand who I am in Christ.  And I am forever grateful for my spiritual growth while with you. I am leaving a different man than when I arrived.

Thank you for being here for me. I'll never forget you and cherish our friendships. I pray God sends you more people to welcome like you welcomed me.

Crossroads Campus Ministry - Irvine

Thanks for praying for Pastor Eric and the students of CCM Irvine this week. It was so encouraging to see this group loving Jesus on the campus of UCI.

Which reminds us...

We are surrounded by universities filled with students from all over the world. They are cities within our city.

Please join us in praying for more opportunities to bless and strengthen campus ministries. Ask God to use us as he saves students and faculty.

We might not have any grand plans to establish our own college fellowship, but we do have the gospel and a church full of people who love people!

Sunday in Review

1.  Starting Point:  A new Starting Point class will begin March 2 at 10am!  This is a great way to get to know our church better, get some time with the pastoral team, and (if you want) begin the process of becoming a church member.  All the information is online and you can apply Get online to learn more and find the curriculum we will be going through.  Register today!!


2.  Youth Mentorships:  We are rolling out a new program for Junior and Senior High students!
Short term, directed, one-on-one study with a qualified older brother or sister.  This is a great way for young people in the church to begin to spread their wings a bit and build purposeful relationships with older Christians in the church.  Not a substitute for parents but rather an aid.  All the information is available online and you can apply for a mentorship today! 


3.  Prayer Request:  Please be praying for Pastor Eric this week as he has been invited to speak to a college fellowship at UCI this Wednesday night. Crossroads Campus Ministries.  He will be talking about the topic, “Saved by Grace”.  This is a great opportunity to share what we believe.


Listen again to the last of David Christensen's series on Jude.



Sunday in Review

1.  Please be praying for our Pastor Eric this week as he and his family are enjoying some family time!


2.  A new small group in Old Towne Orange is forming and will begin March 19th.  We are looking for volunteers to join.  Get your name on the roster by February 26th.  


3.  Starting Point begins March 2nd!  Want more information about our church and what we believe?  Get online for more information and to register.


Listen again as David preaches from Jude.

The Enge Small Group

Your ministry to one another is prospering and we're set to launch a new small group. If you're interested in helping, contact your current small group leader. This is a church-wide effort...God will use all of us to make room for more people. 

Lucas and Geneva Enge

Old Towne Orange.

Wednesdays, 7pm-9pm.

The deadline to get your name on the initial group roster is February 26th. First meeting is March 19th. More info about our small groups is found here.

Thanks For Giving in 2013

Last year was a great year and if you made a donation to help make it happen, thank you!

Your partnership in our shared ministry is bearing good fruit. So much fruit, in fact, that we're beginning to forget much of what happened only 12 months prior!

So be refreshed as we recount some highlights. FYI...this cover letter was sent with you 2013 Donations receipt.


Download the letter here.