Posts in Community
Sunday In Review

1.   Church Members Meeting - We had a great turn out after church on Sunday and discussed a few items.  Check out the notes or find out more information about this meeting here.


2.  Thanks for sending our Pastors and Intern to Phoenix for the Regional Assembly of Elders retreat. There was much encouragement and a great time was had by all.  Please continue to pray for our shared mission as we partner with Sovereign Grace Churches.


3.  High School Graduates - Annalise Benner and Peter Cunningham where prayed over as they were recognized as our graduates this year.  Annalise shared about her high school experience and encouraged those still in school to continue on with a grateful attitude.


Here is Pastor Eric bringing us encouragement from Mark.

Notes From Our Members Meeting

Big thanks to all of you who participated in our Church Members Meeting this past Sunday. There is something beautiful about real people engaged in the business of a real church, even when the business isn't very exciting. Our member meetings won't draw crowds, but that's ok. We're being faithful plodders.

The best churches are full of gospel-saturated people holding tenaciously to a vision of godly obedience and God’s glory, and pursuing that godliness and glory with relentless, often unnoticed, plodding consistency.

We covered a number of important items and you can download the public notes here. Two action items you should keep in mind:

  1. Pray for an increase in spontaneous participation during our services. May God equip us to arrive Sundays ready to read Scripture, speak encouraging words, and pray for needs.
  2. Provide feedback regarding the nomination of Les Card as Deacon. He is certainly a gift to the church and everybody is grateful for him, but we need your input before we proceed.
What Is Your Small Group Good For?

I (Pastor Eric) just returned from a week away with Pastor Mike and our Church Intern David. We were participating in a denominational meeting in Phoenix.

While there, we spent lots of time enjoying fellowship and fun with leaders from all over the Southwest. These are good men and dear friends and I left more convinced than ever of the advantages of our partnership with Sovereign Grace Churches.

But you know what's better?

Having friends to come home to.

My house will be full of all kinds of people tonight. Some are leaders. Some are new believers. Some had bad weeks. Some received bad news while I was gone. I'd bet half of them won't even feel like coming tonight.

That's what makes my Small Group so good.

We are a group of friends committed to helping friends "consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you [we] may not grow weary or fainthearted." (Hebrews 12:3 ESV)

My group helps me not grow weary and fainthearted.

Lunch This Sunday After Church

You have lunch plans.

All church members and regular attenders are asked to participate in our regularly scheduled Member Meeting. If you call our church your home church, please please please attend. These meeting equip you to be Sovereign Grace Church.

This Sunday, June 8th.

Immediately after the service.

One hour. BYO lunch.

Bring your lunch to church. After the service, we'll transition to the Woman's Club garden. Kids can play while we provide denominational updates, progress on nominating deacons, and church finances. You eat. We talk. Smiles all the way around.

Oh The Places You'll Go

Master of Arts in Communicative Disorders

Congratulations Christine. We eager to see how the Lord will use all your hard work to serve people and bring Him glory.

CommunityChurch Staff