Posts in Community
Two More Years At The Woman's Club

Have we ever told you how much we love our city?

Our church loves loves loves! the people and community of Orange, CA. Many of us live in Old Towne Orange and the rest live "on the border".

Well ok, maybe "on the border" is stretching it a bit geographically. But not in our hearts!

We live here. Shop here. Play here. Eat and drink in the restaurants. Participate in the library programs. Go to the summer concerts. Befriend the homeless and marginalized and basically make it our aim to be part of the lives of everyone who calls our town their town. We'll take whatever part of your life that you are willing to share with us.

We love you Orange.

So this is why it's with great pleasure that we say thanks for praying for our lease renegotiations. It's a done deal. We have another 2 years of Sunday services scheduled at the Woman's Club of Orange.

Summer Testimonies

This summer we are highlighting God’s power to save people through a series of testimonies. Every few Sundays, a church member will tell us a bit about their story and how God has been at work in their lives.  We hope these are as encouraging to you as they've been to us. Testimonies are a great reminder that God’s gospel is still powerful, spreading throughout Orange County, and saving individuals like us. 

Jordan's Story

"If I was to go back and tell you the story of my conversion, I wouldn't be able to tell you
much. I was pretty young. I grew up in a Christian home. But there was a
decisive moment in my life when God gripped my heart and began to close the gap between
confessing Jesus and acting like Jesus. "

"This was just the beginning; over the next several years, I was taught to love theology, to love to serve, to love people, to love community. I was taught what it means to be a be a man."

"If there’s one thing I could tell you today, it’s that God’s grace has already come. It’s
available now for you and I in Jesus Christ. We don't have to wait for it any longer, we don't have to earn it. It meets us where we are. "


Why Your Life Online Matters

Some of the more popular places in Orange County have no street addresses. No one would even know if you visited them today or not.






How we conduct ourselves online matters. It matters because there are real people on the other end of our Facebook posts. We can't suspend the command to use your words (and pictures) to encourage one another.

We do business online. We buy stuff online. And there are real businesses on the other end of our transactions. We represent Christ in every transaction, whether we them meet face to face or on Ebay.

We consume media online. We watch video online. We read news online. And the internet makes access to everything quick, easy, private, and anonymous.

We are a community of individual internet users.

The reality is that Sovereign Grace Church (as a congregation) has an online life. So let's live it no differently than we live the rest of our lives on streets and in our homes. Let's live it in community, let's encourage one another towards godliness, and let's help one another do all of the above.

This is why we are offering every adult member of our church a free account with Covenant Eyes, and internet accountability service. We committed to providing the best opportunities to walk out our faith together.

Learn more about Covenant Eyes.