Posts in Community
New Small Groups Coming Soon

God is prospering your ministry to one another and it's time to grow. Two of our existing groups are reconfiguring into three. We want to make room for new people to enjoy the same blessings of community that we have in the past.

The Davis Group, Fridays in Irvine

The Adam Group, Fridays in North Orange

The Turbedsky Group, Fridays in North Santa Ana

Thank you for making our small groups one of the best parts of being Sovereign Grace. Your love for one another lends credibility to the gospel. "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35 ESV)

Learn more about our small groups here.

Get Baptized On September 7th

We walk in the newness of life.

We are planning baptisms for Sunday, September 7, 2014. If you have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and the hope of salvation, we invite you to be baptized. You don't need to be a church member. All the information is online and you can contact the church office if you have any further questions.

Learn more and register here.

Jason And Christine Say Goodbye

Praise God for the time we had with Jason and Christine. We're sad to say goodbye but very excited to see what God has planned for them next. Jason starts med school and Christine continues on in her field of study (Communication Disorders).

A few weeks ago they shared a testimony:

Most of you know this already, but Christine and I are moving to Northern California in a few days. We honestly can’t believe we are leaving so soon. It was just 8 months ago that we shared our story of becoming members. Now we are leaving.

Much of what we have to say to you today is the same as back then. And honestly, this is one of the biggest compliments we can give to you as a church body - you are the exact same people you appeared to be 8 months ago. We just know you better now.

You were a life raft for us.

God used you to keep us in the faith, and to help us find our identity in Christ and His people - not in our jobs and our education. God has used you in our lives in so many ways. There are far too many things for us to mention them all , but a few big ones:

Thank you for greeting us warmly every Sunday, even when we were busy and running out after service. You have no idea how much that helped. When you welcomed us, you were living proof that God had also welcomed us.

Thank you for being open with your lives and sharing them with us. You shared the good and the bad. Through you, God showed us diverse examples of faithful Christian living. You probably didn’t know it, but we were watching you and learning from you.

Thank you for forming deep relationships with us.

We are so grateful for our small group. You supported us throughout this year of ups and downs and hard decisions. Your affirmations shed light on God’s work in our lives, even when we aren’t able to see it ourselves.

It was so refreshing to be with you.