Posts in Community
Give Us Feedback At Yelp

We need your help.

In the past, churches in Old Towne Orange put up signs saying "Come visit us." These never replaced the value of a personal invitation, but they did help the city know there was a congregation nearby eager to welcome newcomers.

Today our signs are online.

Help us continue to establish our presence in Old Towne. Get on and give us an honest review that will help people learn more about our church and feel welcome to drop by on any given Sunday.

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Kristin's Story of Transforming Grace

I thought I had a pretty good understanding of what a good Christian life looked like. My relationship with God functioned a bit like Cinderella’s relationship to her evil step-mother. If I wanted His blessings, I had to meet His list of demands.

Read my bible.


Don’t kiss boys.

The concept of grace was foreign to me in the beginning. How could God love me if I didn’t complete His checklist? But as I wrestled with this, I began to see that it wasn’t my performance which makes me righteous, but Christ’s righteousness and sacrifice. My debt had already been canceled when I first believed. I was free. I could rest in the grace I’d already received and in which I stand.

I’m a recovering legalist.

Today I still struggle to live in the freedom of God’s unconditional love. And this means I still need friends and a church that preaches grace. I still need to hear the good news over and over again and I need to observe it’s power at work in the lives of others.

That's why I'm so grateful for you, Sovereign Grace. Thanks for sharing your life with God with me. I know about God's love better because of our love for one another. I hope you can say the same.

May we continue to be a gospel-saturated community and may our grip on grace influence others who struggle with the same.

Thanks For Making Chili Memories

Congratulations to our 2014 Chili Cookoff champions.

Hottest Chili - "Dragon's Breath" by Michelle E.

Most Unusual Chili - "Chili con Sucre" by Anna B.

Best Chili - "Batmobile Chili" by David S.

Meet Baby Quentin

Congratulations Christopher and Rebecca.

And big sisters Alia and Claire :)

Quentin Christopher was born at 10:19am on Wednesday. Everyone is doing fine. Pray for a speedy recovery and good health.

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