Posts in Community
You Are Invited To Our After-School Playgroup

Hey everybody who has children!

Moms and kids of all ages are welcome to join us weekly on Tuesdays at Hart Park for fun and fellowship. There is a playground and restrooms nearby. Lots of parking.

Every Tuesday, 3-5pm at the playground.

Guests are always welcome. Bring your friends. Empty-nesters are encouraged to participate. For more information contact the church office or check out the news on Facebook.

Hurry Up And Enter Your Chili For Sunday


Freestyle Chili Cookoff

Join us for our 2015 Chili Cook Off. Anyone can enter. You don't need to attend our church.

Fabulous prizes. No rules. If you call it chili, we will judge you.

Sunday, August 24, 1:00pm at the Woman's Club Garden

Enter your chili here.

*Please note that this is a BYO picnic. Everyone can taste the chili, but please bring your own lunch to eat.

Join Our Writers Club

Learn to write.

We need men and women who can serve the Lord by writing well. It's part of what we do. The church is called to communicate what we know and see...the truth about God and God's activity in the world today.

Blogs. Print. Social Media.

Pastor Eric will be leading a small discussion group through Writing Tools by Roy Peter Clark. Four evenings at the church offices. Light homework. 10/1, 10/15, 11/5, 11/19. 7-9pm.

Email us if you are interested.

We Are Hiring

We want to hire one of the above.

God is at work in and through us and it's time to employ someone to help administrate our shared ministry. This is thrilling. Be encouraged. Thank God for all the pieces coming together. Our pastors and the Finance and Law Committee are eager to see us find the right person to fill one of these positions.

Why not hire another pastor?

This is a fair question, especially given the potential candidates in our congregation. First, the current need is for administrating existing ministry rather than expanding our capacity to do more ministry. Our best strategy at the moment will be to help our leaders lead rather than introduce new leadership. Second, employing a pastor would potentially represent a greater commitment to the new hire and our congregation. We're not ready for this. Thirdly, our budget allows for administrative staffing. We do not yet have the funding to employ a second pastor.

Why two job postings?

We are prepared to fill one position, but believe both are necessary. You might say we are casting our net wide and praying God will lead us to employ the right person.

Who should apply?

It doesn't hurt to ask. We'll be nice if you aren't the right person. Everyone who loves Jesus and wants to see the gospel advance and God's church prosper in Southern California should apply.