Posts in Community
Donate Baby Gear This Sunday

One of the ways we love our neighbors is by providing gift bags to expecting mothers through Living Well Pregnancy Center. We package them up and deliver them to the center every couple months.

This Sunday we will be collecting the following items to wrap and deliver to Living Well Pregnancy Center:


Receiving blankets


Baby Books

Baby Soap

Small toys

Drop your items in the boxes this Sunday in the lobby and if you are interested in joining the ladies in assembling the gift bags on May 14th, Email Angie for the details.

Small Groups Is Our Best Attempt At Normal

Regular Christianity

You believe in Jesus. Your priorities have changed. You have a new outlook on everything. Now what? What are you supposed to do after you believe?

Our faith has a social dimension to it. It's not "me and Jesus," it's "we and Jesus." God is on a mission to save a whole new humanity for Himself. He is uniting us to himself and one another, one person at a time.

How this looks for each of us is different, but one thing is clear. He intends for us to experience our new relationship with Him with others. This is where our small groups come in.

Our small groups are designed to connect your life with the lives of other enjoy fellowship, to fulfill the one-another commands, to be a witness to the gospel in our city, and to help one another persevere in the faith. Small groups are our best attempt at leading our church into a life-long, God pleasing pattern of "regular Christianity."

Learn more and visit a group.

This Wednesday At UCI

"The church is the most precious thing in the known universe."

Pastor Eric will be on the campus of the University of California Irvine this Wednesday night to speak on the importance and priority of the local church. Please pray for him and the students. God loves UCI because God loves people. May the gospel be proclaimed with clarity and power!

Events, CommunityChurch Staff
March Theology On Tap - Double Predestination

Double Predestination

This month at Theology on Tap the men are debating what role God has in the destiny of the damned? Does God choose people to be reprobate? Is the doctrine of double-predestination true?

Although the group is currently on a waiting-list only, you can still follow along on Facebook and do the homework. Watch out John Piper answer the question "Has God predetermined every detail in the universe, including sin?"