Posts in Events
Invite Your Friends To Christmas Eve

Breakfast Picnic in the Plaza from 10:30AM - 12:00pm

Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year. We are canceling our morning service and replacing it with a breakfast picnic in the Plaza. Donuts, bagels, coffee, and a scavenger hunt for the young and young at heart.

Traditional Christmas Eve Service from 6:00PM - 6:45pm

Every year our Christmas Eve service is wonderful, not because of what we do, but because of Who we proclaim.

We want to equip you to welcome your friends, family, and neighbors to hear the good news that they can be forgiven of all their sins and experience peace with God through Jesus.

We have a couple of tools for you:

  1. Use our Christmas Eve webpage to promote digitally (Facebook, etc.).
  2. Postcards with the details of our Christmas Eve service will be in the lobby this Sunday. Feel free grab a few and pass them out.

Thanks for loving your neighbors and seeking to acquaint them with the Savior.

*Parents, please note there will not be childcare during our Christmas Eve Service.

Sign Up For Our Christmas Eve Choirs

Sign-ups are officially open for our two Christmas Eve choirs. This year we are having an adult and a kids choir singing at our Christmas Eve Service

If you're interested. Refer to the details and then sign-up below.

For the kids choir:

  • Age range is 4 - 10 years old.
  • They need to be available for a rehearsal the week of Christmas Eve.
  • There are no auditions. If they can make it to the rehearsal, they're in the choir.

For the adult choir:

  • All teens and adults welcome. If you have prior choral experience, a background in music, or just like to sing then you're invited.
  • You need to be available for a rehearsal the week of Christmas Eve.
  • There are no auditions. If you can make it to the rehearsal, you're in the choir.

Fill out the interest form for your child, yourself, or both of you.



Reformed And Always Reforming

Thank you for celebrating the Reformation

We cherish salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone by the testimony of Scripture alone.

Thank you for loving these doctrines and for loving each other. Both are essential and you demonstrated them beautifully this past Sunday at our annual Reformation party.

Enjoy the photos above and head to our Facebook gallery for more.

Semper Reformanda

Guest Receptions Reinvented
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We want to make it easy for our guests to get to know us as a church. This has always been our goal. Our concept for guest receptions has changed over the years and it is about to change again.

Guests and newcomers are invited to join the pastors for a lunch in the garden.

Free food, no sales pitch. We make time for these meals every other month. It is an opportunity to meet the leaders of the church and ask questions. 

The big difference: Regular members are kindly asked to gather in restaurants and homes after the service as usual rather than joining the meal in the garden. Why? To make it easier for guests and hosts to get to know one another.

Our first, reinvented Guest Reception is on October 15.

If you are new to Sovereign Grace Orange, please join us!

Register here.

Latest, EventsAnne Adam
Pray for the Pastors Conference

This week a group of 10 men from our church are attending our denomination's Pastors Conference in Orlando. This is a highlight every year!

Will you join us in praying?

Pray that friendships would be forged.
Pray that pastors and leaders would be refreshed.
Pray that our shared mission to plant gospel-proclaiming churches would prosper.