Posts in Ministries
Learning To Manage Money

Our annual Money Management Course begins February 3rd. Registration closes this Sunday.


I’m one of those people who asks for forgiveness more than permission. I let my intuition be my guide, pursue whatever I want and jump in without a parachute. And this translates into some pretty exciting adventures.

I like to bet the farm.

The problem is that my personality also tends to make me resistant to important things like consistency, discipline, steady income, and savings. I was raised to take risks and expect rewards. But when the rewards didn’t come in like I expected, we ended up in debt.

We were struggling to pay the rent and trapped in a terrible cycle. The debt didn’t honor God and our response to our situation only made it worse. Money problems were leading to marriage problems.

Drastic measures.

We moved in with family. I got a job (ok, this one isn't so drastic). We came up with a plan. And we joined the Money Management class.

Here’s why taking the class was better than trying to fix our money troubles alone.

  • I learned everyone needs grace to change.
  • I learned my friends have inspiring stories.
  • I learned I could enjoy Jesus more when money doesn’t get in the way.
  • I learned how to talk about money with my wife.
  • I learned there is no magic pill.

Money Management was a huge blessing and is still bearing good fruit in my life. I highly recommend it!

The Courage To Be Evaluated
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This Sunday after the service our Worship Team will be holding auditions.

Our first auditions ever!

Each participant has been preparing a set of songs to perform and has volunteered to be assessed for skill and fitness. And for sure there will be lots of encouragement and joy as they make music together. But nonetheless, it takes courage and humility to be evaluated.

Your musically-challenged friends thank you.

Thanks for being willing to serve. Thanks for being willing to be assessed. Thanks for being willing to do something different if the worship team doesn't need you right now. Thanks for loving Jesus more than everything else. And loving us more than yourselves.



Why So Many Preachers?

As 2013 closes, we thank God for the church members who preached sermons this past year (a total of 7, including our pastors). They studied, wrote, rewrote, practiced, and then put it all on the line for their fellow churchmen...for God's glory and for our joy.

Why so many preachers?

  1. Because we have men who can and this is a gift to steward.
  2. Because we build with God's Word, and not a particular personality.
  3. Because we believe everyone should be ready to proclaim the gospel.
  4. Because you can't grow as a preacher without preaching.
  5. Because new preachers need churches ready to listen to them.
  6. Because you can't plant new churches without new preachers.


Ministries, SundaysChurch Staff
Church Budget

Every month we publish an update on our church budget. These figures represent the grace of God at work in the members and friends of our local church...but only in part! Wouldn't it be great if we could publish a monthly report on your generous affections for one another, service to one another, or just time spent with one another? Thank you for living no longer for yourselves but for God and your neighbor!

November 2013

$  8,762 General Contributions

$  8,926 Total Expense