Posts in Ministries
Register For A Youth Mentorship

Young christians need to grow and the church is called to help. There is no minimum age when it comes to knowing what you believe and why you believe it.

Immaturity is dangerous.

Our Youth Mentorship Program pairs Junior and Senior High students with an older Christian in the church. It's a short term, one-on-one relationship designed to equip young believers to build fruitful friendships within the local church.

Go here to learn more and register today.

MinistriesChurch Staff
We Need Children's Ministry Volunteers

"If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God!" - D.L. Moody

We need more men and women to continue the faithful tradition of caring for the parents and children of Sovereign Grace Church. Children's Ministry provides particular and intentional care for parents and children, by gently preparing them for the eventual transition into the worship community. This is a ministry that would not be possible without many men and women who faithfully and selflessly serve during the second half of our worship service out in the garden. 

Can you hold a baby? Would you like to teach a class? Do you enjoy playing with legos? Apply to become a Children's Ministry Worker today! 

Download the Application

The Rise of a Kingdom

We begin a new study in Sunday School on January 8. Follow along with us as we explore the biblical accounts of the life of Samuel, Saul and David, men who will all ultimately point us to Jesus. 

First Samuel

Grab your Bible and meet us in the garden at 9:30am. Learn how to study the Old Testament as we carefully navigate the First Book of Samuel in 2017.

Children's Ministry

At Sovereign Grace we believe the ideal place for any man, woman, and child to worship is together. With that aim, our Children Ministry exists to provide particular and intentional care for parents and children during the second portion of our service. 

Equipping Families to Worship Together

We welcome all children in the service and affirm the grace of God at work in their young lives. The way we welcome children in church directly affects the way they respond to God, to the church, and to one another.




Each Sunday, during the second portion of our liturgy, we provide three optional groups for parents and their children. There is an intentional grey area between all three groups because we recognize children don't always fall into such rigid age-based categories. Some children may be able and willing to sit and listen to a teacher. Some children may be unable, uninterested, or simply prefer to play. Both are good! We want to offer and encourage multiple options. When you arrive, we want you and your children to have a choice, and not necessarily be confined to an age-based group, but rather a competency-based group.



Dylan And Christy On The Art Of Marriage

Our most recent Art of Marriage group just wrapped up. Here's the recap from one couple...

Jim and Angie were so encouraging and hospitable. When we signed up for the class, we knew we were adding quite a bit to our schedules. However, we didn't anticipate how busy we would be and it soon grew overwhelming. Still we agreed to stick this out and remain committed to the class.

God didn't disappoint. He met us and has grown our marriage already. We pray that He would continue to bear fruit from our experience in this class so that others might see a marriage filled with His grace and truth and be drawn to Christ. We also pray that God would use what we've learned to give us wisdom on how to remain close to one another in the midst of trials.

How to remain close in the middle of a trial.

Despite how hard Mondays and Tuesdays have been for us over the past month and a half, we are so grateful that we stuck with this class. It was truly a blessing to grow alongside those who are newer to marriage and those who have been married for many years.