Posts in Ministries
Thank For Joining The Team

Our Sunday services run on three things: donuts, coffee, and love. Each week an army of people get up early and serve us behind the scenes and the only way we know they are there is when things go wrong. Which is wrong BTW.

Big props this week to the newest member of the Video Team.


Latest, MinistriesChurch Staff
Make The Woman's Retreat A Family Priority

Rebecca and Christopher shared last Sunday.


Last year I had the privilege of attending our church's ladies retreat. I'm a mother of young children. There's never an easy time to get away. However, Christopher encouraged me to go and in God's kindness the timing was right.
I was going through a difficult situation and many of the ladies, especially some with more life experience, ministered to me. They prayed for me and even followed up after the retreat.
Retreats give us time to spend encouraging one another towards love and good works. Life is busy. I'm usually racing out of the meeting to care for my children. Please join us so we can take time to strengthen our faith together.


Married guys. Here's the deal. Full disclosure...I don't remember last year's retreat. I have no idea when it was or what they ladies talked about. What I do remember is my wife telling me how glad she was she went. She'll give you all sorts of excuses. It's hard to leave.
Your job is to make her go.
Your wife needs to get away from time to time. Convince her, she'll be glad you did. And so will you.
February Read A Book Challenge

A book about Christian living.

Join us as we read 12 books in 12 months.  This month we are reading a book about Christian living. Here are a few recommendations:

Feelings and Faith: Cultivating Godly Emotions In The Christian Life by Brian S. Borgman

Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach To Finding God's Will by Kevin DeYoung

God At Work: Your Christian Vocation In All Of Life by Gene Edward Veith Jr.

Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts by Jerry Bridges

Young readers might enjoy Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations by Alex and Brett Harris (Foreword by Chuck Norris!)

We Manage Money

Our newest Money Management class began this week! These folks will be working on better stewarding their money for the glory of God. But we'd like to ask one thing from you:

Would you pray for them?

Take a moment and ask God to bless their efforts and that more of their resources may be used in service of His Kingdom.

Introducing The 2017 Book Reading Challenge
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12 books in 12 months.

We are building a culture of readers at Sovereign Grace Church. People who read because they want to grow. People who read because books and words are a gift from God.

This year we are challenging you again to read with us. 12 books in 12 months. Everyone who successfully completes the challenge will be invited to a big, year end celebration. However, you must register by January 31, 21017.

PLEASE NOTE: We are starting late so there is extra time to finish your January book. Once you register you'll receive further instructions. Here's your first assignment.

Learn more and register here.