Posts in Ministries
The Seven Angriest Questions About Religion

Get ready for a year of fun and study. Our Junior and Senior high school group is gearing up for a new year.

Youth Group Meetings

We have doubled our monthly meetings, now second and fourth Thursdays. The second is for activities and the fourth is a study on "The Seven Angriest Questions About Religion." Get more info and directions by emailing Lisa.

Youth Mentorships

We match teens with older church members for short-term discipleship. Another round of openings will be announced soon. Apply here.

Youth Retreat

Plans are under way to do it again in August. We will partner with our sister church in Pasadena for a weekend work and fun trip to the mountains.

Ministries, LatestEric Turbedsky
Register For Our New Men's Study
men's study.jpeg

Our Men's Study is monthly conversations in an informal setting, with "men talking like men" about God. The topics are chosen to challenge the group and the discussion leader provides a few resources to prepare for the meeting.

You don't need to be a scholar, but you do need to be male, 18 years or older, a regular attender of Sovereign Grace, and willing to commit to a series of meetings.

Second Tuesdays. Space is limited. Register here.

Training Worship Leaders

Nate has completed a 1-year program to be trained to lead worship.

Nate served as our first Worship Leader Apprentice and his 1-year term has come to an end. We have all watched Nate grow in his ability and capacity to lead and are excited to let you know that he will continue serving as a worship leader! When you see Nate, thank him for the work he put in as he was trained.

We are also thrilled to announce that Mike will be our next Worship Leader Apprentice!

A few things for you, Sovereign Grace Church:

  1. As you see Mike leading, encourage and pray for him.
  2. Pray also that God would bring us more musicians who want to be trained to lead. We want to see churches singing gospel-centered songs all over Orange County! We will need more trained and equipped worship leaders in order for this to happen.
  3. Consider if God might be calling you to serve in this capacity. We are looking for people who want to be trained. If you are interested, email Dustin Smetona.
Pray for our Youth Retreat

Our Youth Group and our sister church's youth group are on a joint retreat in the San Bernadino Mountains this weekend. There will be zip lines, camp food, Capture the Flag, and a work project.

Pray that God would meet them in their time together.

Please pray that he would bless those who are leading. That he would forge new friendships and strengthen existing ones. And that he would save young men and women among us.

Latest, MinistriesAnne Adam
How Did We Get Here?

The church didn't begin 5 years ago in Old Town Orange. Something happened long before Sovereign Grace hit the ground in Orange County. Our Sunday School will use the next seven weeks to answer the question: "How did we get here?"

7 church Councils that shape what we believe

Sunday School is where we actively read our bibles together, learn together, and mature together. We meet every Sunday prior to our service in the Woman's Club garden from 9:30-10:15AM.

Sunday School 9:30am

We Make Small Groups a Priority

Small group ministry is the backbone of the life of our church.

As small groups go, so goes the life and health of the church. We value Small Group ministry so much that every member is asked to participate regularly. Gathering together throughout the week to intentionally care for brothers and sisters doesn’t happen on accident. We must plan for it.

If you haven't found a group yet, find one here. All groups meet on the first and third (Wednesday/Friday/Sunday) of every month. Sync your calendar here

Latest, MinistriesAnne Adam
Audition for Our Worship Team

Being a musician in our church is a delight. There's nothing more rewarding than leading people in song who love to sing. And Sovereign Grace Church loves to sing!

We exist to make music for the glory of God.
We exist to make musicians who glorify God.

Our aim on the worship team is to make musicians who exhibit "undistracting excellence" as they offer their talents to bring God glory and build His church. Musicians who get maximum joy when they hear God's people sing.

If you have musical talent, we want to hear from you.

If you are a member or a regular attender pursuing membership, fill out the form below and we will be in touch about having you audition for the team. The commitment is for 1 year beginning in September.

*Auditions are scheduled for August, so please fill out the form by July 30, 2017!