Posts in Ministries
Training Future Church Leaders

We want to train the next generation of pastors and leaders in Orange County. By doing this, we get to play a part in the work that God will do in our county for years to come.

A big part of our training effort is the Theology Course. This is an intense, 18-month theological program. Eight men are currently enrolled. They are reading a bunch, writing, and being stretched intellectually.


Their March meeting is this Thursday via Google Hangouts. Pray that their growth in knowledge would increase their love for God. Pray that they would be better equipped to serve the church.

Sunday School

Learning to love to read our Bibles is one of the greatest ambitions of our church. For all who are searching for an opportunity to open God's Word and learn alongside fellow brothers and sisters then Sunday School is the place!


Sunday School is where we actively read our bibles together, learn together, and mature together. We meet every Sunday prior to our service in the Woman's Club garden from 9:30-10:15AM.


Pray For The Pastors Community College

Eight men from our church have joined what we call the Pastors Community College. This is an intense theological program that requires an 18-month commitment. They are reading a bunch, writing, and being stretched intellectually.

Pray for these men.

Pray that their growth in knowledge would increase their love for God. Pray that they would be better equipped to serve the church.

Be The New Volunteer
Reformapalooza 2017-0111.jpg

Join the team. Serving on Sundays is part of how we do what we do. 

We planted a church in Santa Ana. Now we need new volunteers because many of our members are being called to a new city.

Children's Ministry - Serve parents by watching the children in the garden once a month.

Operations Team - Join the team that sets up, gives out the offering and communion, and tears down after the service. You'd be on a one-month-on, one-month-off rotation. 

Email the church office for more details, start the application process or to sign up. 


Ministries, LatestAnne Adam
Our Apologies

Come join us in our journey to know what we believe, why we believe it, and how we respond to objections to the Gospel. The next five weeks in Sunday School will frame Apologetics in Gospel terms so that Apologetics would always further Gospel proclamation.

Sunday School


Our Sunday School class is open to everyone and led by a team of instructors. We meet every Sunday prior to our service in the Woman's Club Garden from 9:30-10:15AM. There is no homework and no childcare is provided. 

Pray For Your Small Group Leaders

Tonight your small group leaders gather for fellowship, encouragement, and training. They love Jesus and they love you. They are eager to serve you and see you grow.

Join us in praying for them as they meet tonight.

Pray that God would fill them "with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy" (Colossians 1:9-11).

Theological Training

Our ambition to plant neighborhood churches has produced a bold initiative to begin aggressively equipping the future pastors and leaders of Orange County. Our new Theological Training course is the realization of this aspiration. This course is our local effort to intentionally develop men for gospel ministry by providing a structured, supervised course of study.

Pray for more laborers

This is an intense theological program that requires an 18 month commitment. The course is intended for men pursuing pastoral ministry. Upon completion, each candidate will be prepared theologically to pursue ordination within our denomination (Sovereign Grace Churches).  

Register for the course.