Posts in Ministries
We Are Looking For More Musicians

Being a musician in our church is a delight. There's nothing more rewarding than leading people in song who love to sing. And Sovereign Grace Church loves to sing.

We make music for the glory of God.
We make musicians who glorify God.

Our aim on the worship team is to make musicians who exhibit "undistracting excellence" as they offer their talents to bring God glory and build His church. Musicians who get maximum joy when they hear God's people sing.

If you have musical talent, we want to hear from you.

If you are a member or a regular attender pursuing membership, fill out the form below and we will be in touch about having you audition for the team. The commitment is for 1 year beginning in September.

*The deadline to sign-up is August 4th, so please fill out the form as soon as you can.

Take me to the sign-up form.

We Are Looking For More Musicians

Being a musician in our church is a delight. There's nothing more rewarding than leading people in song who love to sing. And Sovereign Grace Church loves to sing.

We make music for the glory of God.
We make musicians who glorify God.

Our aim on the worship team is to make musicians who exhibit "undistracting excellence" as they offer their talents to bring God glory and build His church. Musicians who get maximum joy when they hear God's people sing.

If you have musical talent, we want to hear from you.

If you are a member or a regular attender pursuing membership, fill out the form below and we will be in touch about having you audition for the team. The commitment is for 1 year beginning in September.

*The deadline to sign-up is August 4th, so please fill out the form as soon as you can.

Pray For Our Small Groups

6 Small Groups
12 Meetings Per Month
Many Lives Impacted

Our small groups are the backbone of our community life. It's here that we grow as followers of Jesus in the stuff of everyday life. We listen to one another. We pray for one another. We offer godly counsel to one another. We meet one another's needs.

(If you haven’t yet joined one, get an invite here.)

Our groups are led by and filled with church members. People who love Jesus and want to grow in His grace. They meet twice each month on either a Wednesday or Friday evening.

Pray for Them

What happens in these meetings is so important. We want God to be at work. Join us in praying:

Pickard Group - Orange
Sohie Group - Orange
Adam Group - Orange
Servin Group - Anaheim
Card Group - Tustin
Christensen Group - Irvine

Register For Our Men's Study
men's study.jpeg

Our Men's Study is a series of monthly conversations in an informal setting where "men talk like men" about God. The topics are chosen to challenge the group and the discussion leader provides a few resources to prepare for the meeting.

You don't need to be a scholar, but you do need to be male, 18 years or older, a regular attender of Sovereign Grace, and willing to commit to a series of meetings.

Second Tuesdays of the month starting in September. Space is limited. Register here.

Calling All Musicians

Being a musician in our church is a delight. There's nothing more rewarding than leading people in song who love to sing. And Sovereign Grace Church loves to sing.

We make music for the glory of God.
We make musicians who glorify God.

Our aim on the worship team is to make musicians who exhibit "undistracting excellence" as they offer their talents to bring God glory and build His church. Musicians who get maximum joy when they hear God's people sing.

If you have musical talent, we want to hear from you.

If you are a member or a regular attender pursuing membership, fill out the form below and we will be in touch about having you audition for the team. The commitment is for 1 year beginning in September.

*The deadline to sign-up is August 17th, so please fill out the form ASAP.

Zac's Testimony

Everything we have belongs to God. We want to be people who live like our lives are not our own. How we spend our money is a huge part of it. It's why we have a Money Management Course.

Zac is one of our most recent graduates from the course. On Sunday we heard how God used it to help him grow in stewarding his finances. Here is what he shared: 

Les and Sue Card do an excellent job hosting the class. Each week they opened up their home for us to meet, and each week they were reading and filling out the homework along with us as if they were doing it for the first time. I really appreciated their openness to describe the financial lessons they have learned over the years and to share their ongoing pursuit to honor God financially.

Early on in the class we all began monitoring our spending, and I was struck by the goodness of the Lord’s provision on a regular basis. Seemingly mundane things like paying rent or buying groceries became opportunities to praise God for taking care of my needs. It has also been a helpful tool for me to check my heart and ask if my desires align with the Lord’s.

I became reinvigorated to seek new ways to give and to experience the joy of giving. It is truly an expression of worship to the Lord to give generously and though I feel like there is still lots of room for me to grow, I have felt that joy in new ways as I have made incremental changes in my giving.

The class also offers hope rooted in the gospel for those who are in unstable financial situations. In poverty and in riches the Lord is with us and the Biblical principles taught in the class are always applicable. I highly recommend the Money Management class to you. Our money can be a spiritual tool that we use for His glory.

If you're interested in joining a future class, let us know.

Pray For Our Small Groups

8 Small Groups
16 Meetings Per Month
Many Lives Impacted

Our small groups are the backbone of our community life. It's here that we grow as followers of Jesus in the stuff of everyday life. We listen to each other. We pray for one another. We offer godly counsel to each other. We meet one another's needs.

Our groups are led by and filled with church members. People who love Jesus and want to grow in Him. They meet twice each month on either a Wednesday or Friday evening.

Pray for Them

What happens in these meetings is so important. We want God to be at work. Join us in praying:

Card Group - Tustin
Pickard Group - Orange
Servin Group - Orange

Adam Group - Orange
Christensen Group - Irvine
Erkelens Group - Santa Ana
Houlton Group - Santa Ana
Sohie Group - Orange

Christianity Means Community

"Christianity means community in and through Jesus Christ."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Community Is Not A Buzzword

Christians need one another. There's no way around it. God intends to use other Christians as a primary source of comfort, guidance, friendship, and growth. Community isn't just a buzzword for us.

A Concrete Expression of Community

Small Groups are our concrete expression of community. It's where we focus our attention on the "one anothers" of Christianity. It's where we go to be helped in our Christian walk and where we go to help others. It's not the only way to do it. But it is our way.

You're Invited

If you are already a part of a small group, praise God! But if not, we want to extend an invitation. Come and pursue godly growth with us. Head here and fill out the form. We'll be in touch ASAP.