Posts in Santa Ana
Santa Ana - SGSA Services

Beginning Nov. 5 and Every Sunday Thereafter

We're celebrating God's faithfulness. Sovereign Grace Santa Ana is holding Sunday services at Heninger Elementary every Sunday Evening at 5:00pm. God has brought us to this point. Through the sacrifices, prayer and work of the members of Sovereign Grace Orange (thank you!). By Jesus and for Jesus.

The Launch Team is helping to get the service off the ground through December. If you're interested in joining the launch team, contact If you're not on the launch team, you're welcome to join on occasion as a visitor, but more than anything, we'd hope and ask that you'd pray. If you know anyone in Santa Ana without a home church, tell them there's a new church in DTSA. We'd love to meet them!

417 W Walnut St., Santa Ana, CA 92701

Santa Ana - Conversations About Things That Matter

Theology on Drip - Wednesday 10/25 @ 6am

Christians and nonchristians alike are invited. This month, we'll talk about the church. Whether you think the church is necessary or unnecessary. Whether you think it's filled with saints or simpletons. Whether you believe it's led by pastors, Mary or Jesus. Come. We'll dialogue. Most importantly, we'll open up the Bible and see what it has to say on the matter. 

Be on the patio of Starbucks on 4th and Broadway at 6am. We'll see you there. 

Santa Ana - Prayer and Fasting For Santa Ana - Nov 2

A Day of Fasting

God will build His church in Santa Ana. God will strengthen Christians in Santa Ana. God will save Santa Anans. We will play a role in this, but it's God who will accomplish it. If this is true, one of our greatest roles in planting a church is one that places us on our knees. For this reason, would you join us on November 2 for a day of fasting and prayer for Santa Ana? 

A Night of Prayer

We'll end our day of fasting together by gathering in DTSA to pray together. On Thursday night (11/2) @ 6pm at the 2nd Street Promenade (DTSA's version of the Orange Plaza Fountain!) we'll convene to ask God together to work for His glory in Downtown Santa Ana. Whether you live in OTO or DTSA. Afterward, we'll celebrate and break the fast with a trip to the 4th Street Market for some tacos or Orange County's best pizza

14 Days of Prayer (Topics)

Want to know how to pray and what to pray for? Follow the SGSA Facebook page for daily prayer topics for Santa Ana. Like and comment. But most importantly, pray. God is going before us. He's going to work for His glory. We get to play a part. 

Santa Ana - We're Launching Weekly Public Services
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Spreading the Joy of Jesus in the Heninger Park Neighborhood

God is building a new church in Santa Ana. And on Sunday, November 5 @5:00pm, that church will begin holding weekly public worship services. At a school in the heart of the community. We could hardly be more excited. We're on the edge of our seats waiting to watch God work through the proclamation of His Gospel. 

We'll sing. We'll fellowship. We'll build from Day 1 on the foundation of God's Word and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Join us in prayer. Join us in person. Share the social media posts. Know anybody in Santa Ana? Invite them for our November 5 service ... and every Sunday thereafter. 

Heninger Elementary

417 W Walnut St.

Santa Ana, CA 92701

Santa Ana - A Church Plant With Many Partners

Support, Accountability and Friendship

We're grateful for the brothers and sisters in other local churches laboring in Downtown Santa Ana for the spread of the Gospel. They're our friends. At different levels, they're our partners. But our partnerships only begin there ... 

This last week, Kyle Houlton, a couple members of the prospective Santa Ana church plant and about a half dozen other men from Orange County travelled to Orlando, Florida for Sovereign Grace Churches' annual Pastors Conference. The conference was personally refreshing. But it was more than that. It was a reflection of the deep partnership that Sovereign Grace Santa Ana will experience with likeminded churches from its earliest days. Churches down the road and around the globe. We need Gospel partners. In Sovereign Grace Churches, we have those partners. God will build His church. Part of the way He does it? Local churches supporting other local churches. 

Latest, Santa AnaKyle Houlton
Santa Ana - Our Sunday Service Home (Probably)

Celebrate, But Keep Praying

You've been praying about a facility for months. We've sought one facility after another, trying to find the right fit. Now we think God has led us to the one we hope to call home. Heninger Elementary - nestled right within the Heninger Park neighborhood and right up against Santa Ana High School and DTSA. The staff have been kind to us. The space works well for us. Now we're moving toward a contract. We don't foresee any issues, but it's not yet official. Once again, can we ask you to what you do so faithfully? Pray. We need God's continued favor and guidance in this. We're confident He'll give it.

Latest, Santa AnaKyle Houlton
Santa Ana - Theology on Drip

Wednesday, September 27. 6:30am

Theology - the study of God and the things of God. Whoever you are, you believe things about God. Come Wednesday morning and discuss those very things. It's an open context. No judgment. We'll open the Bible together and explore what it has to say about these thing. Be at Starbucks on 4th and Broadway bright and early. There may even be a cup of liquid energy in it for you ... 

Santa Ana, LatestKyle Houlton