Posts in Stories
Dunk Your Pastors This Sunday

This Sunday!

Get ready to celebrate the gift of a new pastor. After our ordination service we will be hosting a lunch and games in the Woman's Club gardens.

Church members and regular attenders need to bring food:

Households of 2 or less bring a side dish.

Household of 3 or more bring a main dish. 


We will also be raising money for Lucas's book fund. Bring a couple dollars and try to dunk a member of our pastoral team. Everyone is actually invited to get up in the tank too. Assume your going to get dunked!

Dress read to get wet.

Recap of a Special Day of Quiet

Kelsey Paprocki opened her home because she wanted to bless some of the women in the church with the time, space and quiet to spend uninterrupted time with God. You can read her testimony here. 

Rebecca E. shares her experience:

It was such a blessing to participate in the Day of Quiet. I never expected that one of my biggest adjustments as a mom would be the lack of quiet. Having time to stop and really be able to concentrate on the Words I was reading and respond to the Holy Spirit in prayer (that was uninterrupted!) was truly refreshing.  I felt the Lord was leading me to focus my heart on The Joy of the Lord.  How interesting that the next day Dustin preached a message about rejoicing. God had a chance to prepare my heart privately for the message we would receive corporately! A big thank you goes out to the Paprockis for opening their home and providing the space for a breath of spiritual fresh air.

You can listen to Dustin's sermon here.

We thank God for working in Kelsey to open her home and for using this time to bless our members. 

We Have Much to Celebrate

We are so thankful to God for Enges! Lucas and his family have made many sacrifices for our church. 

We are celebrating Lucas' ordination as pastor on July 10. 

After the ordination service we will have a fun afternoon with time to encourage the Enges, fellowship and opportunity to make some memories. 

Everybody will contribute to the potluck lunch.

A special dessert will be provided by the church. 

Please save the date and watch for more instructions coming soon. 

Road Trip: Little Tokyo

Last week 17 of us rode the Metrolink up to LA to explore Little Tokyo. Despite the rain, we managed to invade small shops and overtake a restaurant for lunch. We also stopped by the Japanese American National Museum to check out their exhibits and appreciate the history behind the people.

Our last stop of the day took us to The Last Bookstore, which is probably the coolest bookstore in Southern California. We cut our time there short despite the fact that we could have easily spent another hour there to ensure we caught the last train home for the day.

It was such a joy to spend time in community with our brothers and sisters and deepen our friendships. The Lord uses us wherever we are with whomever we are with. Until the next adventure...